N.A. P-51D_Mustang on wikipedia
An old Revell kit build about 15 years ago, and you would see, that it can't measure up with nowdays models. There are some build errors and some camouflage flaws. In spite of that I still like its look, and maybe one day I will strip the paint and update it.
So far I remember there were no problems with the construction apart of fiting the wing to the bottom part of the fuselage. Fortunately you can't see it, because is mostly covered by the cooler intake.
The kit had only one camouflage choice without any details about it. Later I found several variation of this aircraft, but never been really bother to try to find out the right one.
It was nice and fun to make this kit and , as I said, I still like it. I am not sure if there are still boxes available, probably on ebay or such a place you could find it.
June 2009