The Mig-17PF aircraft was built ...
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The Mig-17PF kit was first on sale back in late 80, I think. I didn't check the size nor the plans for the panels etc. as it looked to me good enough to have some building fun with it and have it on the shelf.
For that time, the kit had quite nice interior with instruments deacals and some neat details to. And up to that it offers to versions, one with arnament of three cannons and the other one with rockets, as the Mig-17 was the first Mig fighter being equipped only with AA rockets.
I started according to the instructions with the cockpit. I painted the details, glue together the bits and applied the decals on front and side panels. Then I glued the front wheel well to the bottom of the part.
Then I continued with the fuselage. Before I put together the halves, two clear bits were glued to the bottom of the right half as well as the exhaust tube. It needed then quite a sanding to fit the left half. Regarding the foreseen problem with inserting the radar cone to the fuselage, I glued the halves of the fuselage at the bottom and on top only up to the cabin. This way I was able to dry fit the cockpit part what I really needed as the parts doesn't fit well (maybe even because of my own work) and requires a lot of sanding of the top side. Finaly the radar cone part fit and was glued to the fuselage and the front of the fuselage was glued together to.
June 2010