ICM 1/48 Lavochkin LaGG-3


    The Lavochkin LaGG-3 aircraft was all-wooden construction of Lavochkin, Gorbunov and Gudkov. It's development goes back to 1938-39.

    More about Lavochkin LaGG-3 on Wikipedia


    The kit consists of some xx parts and clear plastic frame with two part canopy and rear side windows, light cover and few other bits. The molding good with no flash and the ejector pins are few mostly in the places that are not visible. The engraved lines are not as sharp as the Tamiya or similar companies, and it need reparation at few places.

    The decal sheet offers four versions.

    I bought the Eduard self adhesive coloured PE set that apart of the belts contains some cabin details. As this set was issued some time ago, the glue did not work well, but the CA glue did the job.


    I started with painting (I used Gunze Hxx Aircraft grey with matt varnish) the cockpit and its parts for application of the PE details. When the paint was dry, I glued the details of the cockpit and seat. I used the instrument panel from the PE set although it looks like the Lagg had it in the same colour as the cockpit was and Eduard's panel is black. I glued the rear windows and mask them from both sides using Tamiya tape. Then the dry fitting came, because it is well needed. After painting, the sizes were a bit different and I spent some time to get the halves of the fuselage to fit together. I glued the floor with the seat and the rear of the cockpit to the left right of the fuselage as well as the instrument panel, coolers and rear wheel.

Colours and marking




June 2009

Martin Dolejsi

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