For more on history More about J2F-5 Duck on wikipedia
The kit is somewhat typical short run, the plastic parts are made of light gray, quite hard plastic with very fine engraved panel line. There are three frames with some 40 parts, resin engine and cockpit details and clear canopy and observer windows. There are few pins to be removed in side the fuselage. In the instruction sheet are diagrams with the description of the colours used on the cockpit and other parts that should be painted before the assembly although it would be good idea to find some more references. There is a diagram with the rigging too.
The decal sheet contains three aircraft, white-silver from 1947, Gray-Blue from 1941 and 1943 Gray-two tone blue.
I started with cleaning of the resin parts and assembly of the cockpit. The parts are very fine and you need to be careful with them. In the same time I glued torgether wings and horizontal stabilazors, wheels, front fuselage part and engine cowling.
June 2009